
Juan Pablo Restrepo Mejía was born in the city of Medellín on April 22, 1989. His professional career as a plastic artist began in his hometown in 2014 exploring techniques and artistic trends. In his work it is possible to demonstrate artistic lines such as magical, abstract contemporary art impressionism, expressionism, pop art among others.

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Acerca de Juan Pablo Restrepo

La vida y el arte están indeleblemente entrelazados para Juan Pablo Restrepo. Aunque su formación profesional le llevó a la ingeniería civil, en 2013 descubrió una pasión por la pintura y la escultura que desde entonces se ha convertido en el eje central de su vida. En su familia materna había escritores, pintores y escultores, por lo que siempre llevó la creatividad en la sangre. Sin embargo, fue una necesidad económica la que le llevó de nuevo al arte, y redescubrió su amor por él mientras trabajaba para pagarse los estudios universitarios.

A lo largo de los años, Restrepo ha perfeccionado sus habilidades mediante una combinación de curiosidad, experiencia práctica y destreza natural. Adopta un enfoque empírico de la técnica, pero se compromete a ampliar sus propios límites creativos. Su obra se caracteriza por la viveza del color, incluso cuando está creada en blanco y negro, y está influida por su disciplinado enfoque de la vida como ingeniero civil.

Restrepo ha sido reconocido por su enfoque innovador del arte, que se ha exhibido y celebrado a través de las redes sociales. Cree que el reconocimiento no tiene por qué llegar con la edad o la muerte, y su apuesta por la calidad y la artesanía le ha permitido forjarse un sólido grupo de admiradores.

Como artista, a Restrepo le interesa explorar el funcionamiento interno de la mente y el espíritu humanos. Sus obras invitan al espectador a mirar hacia dentro, reconectar con su niño interior y encontrar la paz en medio del caos del mundo.

About Juan Pablo Restrepo

Life and art are indelibly intertwined for Juan Pablo Restrepo. Although his professional training led him to civil engineering, in 2013 he discovered a passion for painting and sculpture that has since become a central focus of his life. With his maternal family boasting writers, painters, and sculptors, creativity was always in his blood. However, it was a financial need that led him back to art, and he rediscovered his love for it while working to pay for his university studies.

Over the years, Restrepo has honed his skills through a combination of curiosity, practical experience, and natural dexterity. He embraces his empirical approach to technique, but is committed to pushing his own creative boundaries. His work is characterized by a vibrancy of color, even when created in black and white, and is influenced by his disciplined approach to life as a civil engineer.

Restrepo has been recognized for his innovative approach to art, which has been showcased and celebrated through social media. He believes that recognition doesn’t need to come with age or death, and his focus on quality and craftsmanship has allowed him to build a strong following of admirers.

As an artist, Restrepo is interested in exploring the inner workings of the human mind and spirit. His works invite viewers to look inward, reconnect with their inner child, and find peace in the midst of the chaos of the world.

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